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Donate your pennies

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Thank you for caring about your pennies…

Thank you for caring about your pennies and agreeing to donate the spare ones from your salary to charity. Sign up once below and your pennies will be automatically donated from your payslip every month. If you earn £850.34 then you keep the £850 and the 34p will be donated – your donation will always be less than £1 and if you are a UK taxpayer your donation is eligible for Gift Aid meaning that the charity can claim an additional 25% on top of your donation at no cost to you – great! 100% of your donation will go to the charity you select.

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    * Terms and conditions

    I am pleased to confirm that I wish to participate in the Pennies from Heaven scheme and hereby authorise The Works as my agent to collect each pay period from my salary such odd penny balances (maximum 99p per pay period) and to distribute such amounts to the charity i select on this form. This authorisation is effective from the date I submit this form and shall remain in force until cancelled in writing. If I am a UK Taxpayer I give my consent for Gift Aid to be reclaimed on my donations (this boosts your donation by 25% and costs you nothing) and agree for my employer to provide the charities and Pennies from Heaven with my name and address for this purpose only. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference. It is noted that 100% of my donations will go directly to the nominated charity/ies.

    How your change will help:

    National Literacy Trust – We empower children, young people, and adults with the literacy skills they need to succeed. Literacy changes everything. It gives you the tools to get the most out of life, and the power to shape your future. It opens the door to the life you want. But low literacy is inextricably linked to poverty. We work with people who need us the most, supporting schools, families and communities on a local and national level.

    MIND – Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. But hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling. MIND believes no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. MIND will listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.

    Inspire – At Inspire we work together with people living with mental ill health, intellectual disability, autism and addictions to ensure they live with dignity and realise their full potential. To achieve this we want to develop a culture of compassion, creating a society free from stigma that focuses on people and their abilities.

    SAMH – SAMH is Scotland’s national mental health charity. Today, in over 60 communities they work with adults and young people providing mental health social care support, services in primary care, schools and further education, among others. These services together with their national programme work in See Me, respect me, suicide prevention and active living; inform our policy and campaign work to influence positive social change.

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